Severe Automobile Accident Injuries

Serious automobile accidents happen daily in Oregon. Between driver negligence, poor weather, faulty roads, and defective vehicles, severe injuries can result in these accidents.

If you are severely injured in a car accident, you should speak to a skilled automobile accident lawyer right away – The Herron Law Firm can help. If you have any of the severe injuries below, you will need a lot of compensation for your medical care in the future.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: According to the CDC, the third-largest reason for traumatic brain injuries in auto accidents. In 2013, 20% of car accident brain trauma cases led to death. In many cases, the result of the TBI is severe impairment or disability for the victim for life.

The most common reason for a TBI in a car accident is blunt force trauma to the head, which leads to brain bleeds. People with severe brain injury need medical care and rehabilitation that may last for years. This can have a serious impact on the family as well.

Facial Injuries: Serious car accidents can lead to severe facial injuries including lacerations, shattered facial bones, eye loss, and various cuts and bruises. These injuries often are due to the airbag hitting the victim’s face or the person’s face slamming into the dashboard or steering wheel. Even if the damage is repaired, the victim could be scarred and disfigured for life. This type of injury can lead to a high amount of compensation for mental anguish.

Internal Organ Trauma: The severe trauma of a car crash can lead to serious internal organ trauma. The seatbelt can dig into the abdomen and rupture the stomach, intestines, liver, or spleen. The chest can slam into the dashboard or steering wheel and cause damage to the heart and lungs. Internal bleeding may not be noticed at first, and this can cause severe blood loss and brain damage.

Spinal Cord Injuries: This is one of the worst injuries you can suffer in a car accident. A spinal cord injury can lead to partial or full paralysis. The severity of the car crash can cause the spinal cord to be impinged by a bone fragment or spinal disc. Where the damage occurs will dictate the degree of paralysis. People who are paralyzed need hundreds of thousands of dollars of ongoing care per year.

Back and Neck Injuries: Almost all lower back injuries in car accidents are severe. Most often, a spinal disc is ruptured and causes severe pain and loss of mobility. Neck injuries can include whiplash as well as a ruptured or bulging disc. These injuries can be debilitating and prevent you from working for months or permanently.

If you have any of these severe car accident injuries, you need the best auto accident lawyer to get you the compensation you need for your recovery. Please reach out to The Herron Law Firm today for a complimentary consultation.


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